Subsidies & Economics

Subsidies & Economics:

  1. Q:. What rebates are available?

    Ans. Rebates vary from year to year depending on the funding for particular programs and the size of the PV system. will give you the most current information and include that in your proposal.

  2. Q:.How do we apply for a rebate?

    Ans. Relax, that’s our job. We believe that the easier we can make the purchase of a clean photovoltaic system, the more people will buy them, the better off we’ll all be. That’s why we work to make the process as easy as possible, and handle all the rebate and utility company paperwork for you.

  3. Q:. Is financing available?

    Ans. The best source of financing is usually the bank or finance company that you currently work with. If you like, we’re happy to make arrangements. Please contact 1800 102 71 72 (Toll Free).

  4. Q:. How much are these systems and how much money will I save each year? (Or, how long will it take to pay back my investment?)

    Ans. The size of the system is the largest determinant of the price, and the savings rise accordingly. In most cases, the payback period for the investment in a photovoltaic system is 5-7 years.

  5. Q:.What’s the impact on my property taxes?

    Ans. Photovoltaic systems are exempt from property taxes in India.

  6. Q:.We don’t own the property on/in, which we operate. Can we still go solar?

    Ans.Yes, it’s relatively commonplace for property owners to allow their tenants to make improvements in their facilities.